Friday, October 23, 2020

3D and Learning Things on Spec


A friend wanted me to learn a variety of technologies involving 3D on spec (i.e. for free) because he thinks it will be good for me and it will help me to make money.  I am sure he is sincere.  I promised to write a blog post which will attempt to explain the situation.

1. I am not sure the exact numbers, but I would guess that I spend at least half my time (as integrated over some period of time) learning new things on spec.  I learn them because they will help me do projects I want to do and because I think they are important to know about.  Examples are machine learning, so-called physically based rendering, Tensorflow, Arnold, Python, Javascript.  Therefore, if there is something new to add to the list of things I learn on spec, then it needs to get in line, there is a lot in the queue ahead of it.

2. I have no particular hope or interest in making money with 3D.  I dont think it is very likely so telling me "learn this and you will make a lot of money" means nothing to me.  I do hope, however, to do good work, possibly but not necessarily with 3D, in some sense of the term "good work".  That may mean research, or an art project, or perhaps a public service project of some sort.  However this is not for you to say, nor is it for you to say what skills I will need to do that.    

 3. I sincerely doubt I will be permitted to make a living going forward, and even if I am permitted, I doubt it will be with computer graphics.  You dont agree with that?  Fine!  Offer me a job.  Be specific.  Put it in writing.

4. I spent a great deal of time in Hollywood.  Every asshole is trying to get work for free.  Just do this and you will make a lot of money.  How do you say "fuck you" in Hollywood?  "Trust me".

5. I have had non-subtle experiences with things that are universal formats, or which are designed for the production flow of a large corporation.  The individual need not apply.  It isnt designed for the individual nor is it useful to him/her outside of the context of the large corporation.

6. Therefore, if you want me to do something for free, I suggest you make your best case and then leave it alone.  If I can, I will.  If I dont think it is worth my while, then I wont, at least not at that time.  Very often, in things like this, it may be that I do get to it, but in my own time.

I have no doubt my friend means well.

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