Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Preferred Smashed Chocolate Cookies

Ingredients as modified from NY Times (see below).

¾ cup chocolate chips
½ cup unsweetened cocoa powder
½ cup unsalted butter (if salted dont add so much salt)
2  tbsp ground flaxseed 
¾ cup granulated sugar
½ cup dark brown sugar
3 tbsp of plain Greek yogurt
1 tsp kosher salt
2 tsp vanilla extract
¾ cup/90 all-purpose flour
1 Espresso or strong coffee

- Preheat oven to 350F

- Make eggs from ground flaxseed .  1 tbsp flaxseed to 3 tbsp water per "egg".  Let stand for at least 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. 

- Melt butter 

- Add butter to bowl with chocolate chips, espresso and cocoa powder.  The butter needs to be hot enough to melt the chocolate and/or use the microwave. Stir the mixture until glossy & smooth. 

- In a separate bowl, add sugars, yogurt and eggs.  Use mixer if you have one. 

- Add vanilla & chocolate slowly and then add the flour.  Use spatula to mix. The dough should be glossy and resemble brownie dough

- Distribute 2 tbsp per cookie, two inches apart, on parchment paper

- Cook for 8 or so minutes, pound baking sheets on table to  cause dough to settle, then cook another 6=8  minutes.  The recipe calls for less baking time, but I found that to result in a gooey cookie, too gooey.
- Let cool on sheets for at least 3 minutes

Taken and modified from the NY Times at:

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