Saturday, September 21, 2024

Harris is Good but the System Still Doesn't Work

Newton said that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. In politics, maybe not so much. Maybe the reaction is less than, or maybe it is much greater than the original. Or maybe it is just lasting trauma and despair. Maybe it is lack of trust. Maybe people will feel that they have learned their lesson, and if those-that-rule want us to shut-up-and-do-as-they-say then maybe people, or some people, will say "No, fix this first or go away". And that is the situation I think we find ourselves in.

I dont think this is totally new. When this country was created, it was done without the consent of the governed as that consent was manufactured. For more information, read about the way our constitution was created and accepted.  And even with that non-consent consent there were unacceptable compromises. Since then, system after system the country put in place have failed. There are many possible reasons for these systems to fail but the one I subscribe to is that certain fundamental requirements for these to work, such as fair elections or a judiciary that that will rule based on law and not to achieve a political goal, are no longer in place.  People in power thought they could get away with it and they were wrong.  Besides, its 2024, its not 1960 anymore.  The old excuses are not acceptable.

Consider.  The supreme court is wildly out of control. There are no plans to fix it. Voting rights? Citizens United? Perjure yourself to the senate to be approved? Wild corruption and failure to obey the law of reporting gifts? A get out of jail free card for Trump?  Abortion no longer "settled law"?  Legislating from the bench? So, no supreme court. 

 The DOJ failed to hold that felon Donald Trump to account. Mobsters take note. Trump killed many more people than Gambino. 

We are being victimized by people with money who are fascists and weirdos. Musk, Murdoch, Koch, Mellon.  Congress cant even pass a budget. The impeachment mechanism has failed.  Sheriffs go around making lists of those who will not support Trump so they can be attacked. Gestapo tactic, sure why not. And nothing is done about this. The FBI and Homeland security does nothing about Russian Influence. They are totally impotent. The Right sucks up to Putin and Orban.

So lets say Harris wins in spite of the Supreme Court.  Does that fix anything?  Does that reassure me that the system is better now so don't worry?  Sure its better than a stick in the eye, but should I be grateful that our system did not put a felon and a mentally disturbed fascist into power?  A person who was impeached twice?  A person who is guilty of what is sometimes called rape?  Really, you are proud that you defeated this weirdo?

No, the system has a long way to go to repair this nonsense and frankly I dont think it is up to it.  That is what I think.

[Because I say these things, my blog is marked as a hate site and blocked by many right wing ISPs apparently.  ]

1 comment:

  1. Eventually sanity may prevail. But perhaps re-election of a proven twisted toxic weirdo - and the near term catastrophes that will engender - might accelerate the generalized realisation that profound meaningful change is mandatory. Nosognoia, the indispensable recognition that one is injured or sick, is the first step in accepting the need for repair or healing. MJ (test)
