Thursday, January 18, 2024

Reasons Why the Democrats Will Lose in 2024

I am convinced that the Democrats will lose the White House in 2024.  Not everyone agrees with this pessimistic assessment.  But in this post I will go over some of the reasons why I think this is so.  

Of course "prediction is hard, especially about the future" and I could be wrong, and let there be no doubt that a second Trump administration would be the end of democracy in this country.  A right wing fascist society and a great victory for Putin.  Death to NATO and death to Ukraine.  The decline of America accelerated by an order of magnitude.  So Democrats will vote for Biden, right?  Maybe not.

Consider some of the fuckups of the last few years.  The Democratic Party controlled the White House and both houses of Congress but could not be bothered to fix the supreme court because ... because ... oh just because.  They could have passed an amendment to do something about the electoral college or keep the supreme court from throwing elections but they didnt because ... you know.  The Department of Justice threw away two full years to start the process to bring Trump to justice but they failed to even start until they were practically forced to and now its too late.  Trump will be reelected and that will be the end of that.  They knew something was up with the classified documents long before they acted.  They could have passed something to protect abortion rights but they didnt.  They could have reinforced voting rights but they didn't.  They could have started the ball rolling on repealing Citizens United but they didn't.  They could have passed legislation to help protect Europe from insanity by Republicans whether or not Trump gets reelected.  Those traitors are sure to be in the White House one day and Putin will be cheering.

Most of all they refused to listen to their base who begged them to do something, anything, and they refused to act.  So pick your favorite issue that they failed on and ask yourself why people should vote to continue this shitshow when the loyal Democratic base is ignored.  Some people will pick Israel (long before Gaza), some people will pick the Supreme Court, some people will pick the rule of law as it applies to rich people.  The point is, whatever you believe in, the Democrats let you down.  The Democratic Party elite is relying on the Democratic Party base to look beyond all that and keep on voting no matter what because ... well because Trump, and that is not a bad reason, but the fact is that we are tired of that.  How about our representatives do something for a change?  But they have failed to listen in the past, should we believe that will change going forward?  Why?

Poor little Democrat donkey doesnt know what hit it.  

Illustrations by MidJourney.

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