Saturday, June 3, 2023

Note to Congressman 06032023

Dear Congressman Carbajal,
At the risk of being pushy, here are some issues it would be nice for you to address if not actually work on.  I mean you are being paid to do something, right?  And if you are powerless, then what does that make us? The only vote I get is to decide whether to continue to support an ineffective and essentially useless congressman, or vote for a republican who are without doubt worthless swine.
1. You still need to apologize and retract your support for that incredibly stupid "horrors of socialism" bill. That vote alone is enough to work for your opponent.  Did I mention how stupid and offensive that bill was?  Oh I did already.  
2. The supreme court vote on destroying unions.  What are you doing about that?  What are you doing about fixing the supreme court?  Whether term limits or increasing the number of justices.
3. Trump has still not been indicted for his obvious crimes.... classified documents and attempting to overthrow the government of the united states.  Why not?
4.  Why is the US Govt failing to provide Ukraine with long distance munitions?  Afraid of escalating the war with Russia?  Too bad, it cant get more escalated unless NATO goes directly to war.  We are not going to support a party that fails to support Ukraine.
I would get to work if I were you.  You have an opportunity to make a difference and I would like to see you take some action.  Even if its just waving your arms and issuing press releases.
Thank you.

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