Monday, January 31, 2022

Nominate Merrick Garland For the Supreme Court?



I have a possibly interesting idea for who Biden should nominate for the Supreme Court.  I realize that Joe Biden promised a black woman for the Supreme Court but then he hasn't kept any of his other promises so why should he keep this one? Also we know that he wants to propose some horrible limp failure who will not defend Americans and who will not in any serious way work to counteract the hideous partisans of Gorsuch etc.  So why not propose Merrick Garland? Garland is obviously a failure at the Department of Justice, so everyone can be confident he won't do anything interesting on the so-called Supreme Court. Then maybe Biden could propose someone who could think about enforcing the law instead of that usual Obama-like policy of letting the most guilty off.   One of the side effects of Garland and the Department of Justice failing to minimally enforce the law is that Trump can promise his followers that if they murder people and destroy American democracy that he will pardon them. Yes that's what the Democrats stand for. I think that Biden is well on track to destroy the Democratic party. Certainly there's no reason for anyone even slightly progressive to vote for Democrats since they are such failures.  I think this is a great idea and I hope that you will call your congressman and your senator and support this idea. They need to hear from us. They need our guidance because obviously they don't have a clue what to do on their own. 

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