Sunday, April 4, 2021

Excellent Statute of Limitations on Suing Government Agencies


I admit that I am impressed with some of the things I learn about how our government works. So for example if you want to have a dictatorship but pretend you don't have a dictatorship and you want to pretend that you have a justice system and that people can file a lawsuit to get the government to do something reasonable, or to stop committing what are obviously crimes, then all you have to do is put in a 6 month statute of limitations which would be nearly impossible for most people to comply with unless this is what they did for a living and they had plenty of resources and they had a law firm ready to go which I think we can comfortably say doesn't happen. At least private individuals are unlikely to be able to comply with this requirement but possibly mid- to large- corporations could.  Thus corporations are able to protect themselves, or at least have a tool that might allow them to protect themselves, but the private citizen not so much. 

In that way you can see the corruption and crimes of the government can operate with complete freedom. This is most excellent. Obviously if we wanted a free society this rule would not exist.

(Policy Recommendation #2: Change or eliminate this statute of limitations).

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