Sunday, March 28, 2021

Policy Series #1 Solution to Part of Immigration Problem

Will be rewritten, maybe if you are lucky.
Children and their parents who come to the border seeking asylum should be met as follows:  1. They should be given decent communal living quarters with sanitation for one year, 2. They should be innoculated against all relevant diseases, 3. Their other medical problems should be dealt with as possible and in a humanitarium manner, 4. They and their children should be given a one year education that emphasizes english and the basics of living and of law and of birth control, 5. They should be given physical education to the extent they want it., 6. And then they should be returned to their country of origin with enough money for a month or two of living.

We can afford this.  Its a no brainer.

It is required that Christians, who are murder swine, not be allowed anywhere near this.
It is required that ICE/Gestapo who are murderers and rapists not be allowed anywhere near this.

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