Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Biden May Win but So What?


Is this glass half empty or half full? What glass, what are they talking about? Well, even with a Biden win, but no senate, what we have here is a clearly failed political system that can not even shut up a moron/criminal like Trump, a right wing news organization spraying propaganda, a Senate ready to block all legislation, and a minority rule right wing nutty boy supreme court. On the bright side, with a Biden DOJ, if he has the guts, which I doubt, we could put a lot of Republican criminals on trial (and presumably in jail). A good executive order or two can stop the crimes against humanity by our little-Gestapo, and we can start rebuilding the cases the Republican DOJ dropped on orders from the Fuhrer. I think its a joke and the world knows it. The only people who dont know it seems to be Americans, or some of them.



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