Friday, April 17, 2020

On Civil Disobedience in a Dictatorship


A friend who will remain nameless asks a reasonable question: is it fair or right for us to use civil disobedience to protest the right wing dictatorship in Washington. Well, if you have faith in the system or in our elites, then possibly the answer is no. But I have no faith in our depraved elites or in our system. I think that ICE/Gestapo is going to keep murdering children, that Devoes is going to keep destroying people's lives and ignoring court orders, that the right wing DOJ will exonerate russian spies and that our Republican representatives will do anything to defend an obvious criminal and traitor in the white house. In other words, I think the question is nonsensical and could only be asked by someone who is in total denial of the situation they are in. Your government is probably murdering children right now and you dont know about it but your lack of knowledge does not make you innocent in these circumstances. You are complicit in their crimes unless you take every possible action to stop and defeat them.

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