Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Faiilure of our Elites Part I


It seems to me fairly obvious that our self-appointed elites have failed us. The old money, the new money, the wall street criminals, the neoliberals, other foreign policy elites, they all failed. Middle of the Road Mainstream Democrats, all obvious failures or we would not have had the war in Iraq and Donald Trump, the betrayal of the Kurds, the crimes against humanity that happen every day with our Gestapo/ICE. All signs that the elites failed.

Certainly no one could interact with their elected representative(s) as I have, and think that they give a hoot about what their electorate thinks.  No one could look at the Republican voter registration attacks or the Electoral college and think they live in a democracy.  Did I mention gerrymandering?

So given that they have failed, what is the price of failure.  Well if we examine historical precedent, it is usually prison, exile and/or execution.  Sometimes all three.

Their assets will go a long way to paying for education, infrastructure and rehabilitation of those who were raped and helping to compensate the families of the murdered.

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