Thursday, May 9, 2024

Campus Protests Redux and the Media Failure

(Rewritten to tone down this post).

The campus protests about the Israel-Hamas war are slowly dissipating but their impact is still very much with us although what those implications actually are or will be is to be determined.  Many, many people are annoyed by these protests and annoyed at how our media failed to deal with many points.  Here are a few of the issues.

1. It is possible to do protests without making other people feel unsafe.  See for example the women's marches of the last decade.  

2. Many people attend the University in order to get an education.  They do not have infinite time to screw around and to be intimidated.  The role of the President and the Trustees is to see that people get their education.

3. I dont recall ever seeing a contract that says a student can determine the investment policy of these institutions.  Furthermore there are people associated with the University, including other students who do not agree with the opinions of these protesters.  

4. Many campuses have been unsafe for Jews for a long time.  This issue is well known to the administration(s) and they have declined to do anything about it.  I think its funny that all the noise about "safe spaces" turns out to be hypocritical bullshit.

5. I have no desire to have this country's foreign policy determined by these people.  I do relate to the protester's frustration with our foreign policy elites.  

6. From what they say, I have no reason to think that the protesters know enough about the history here or what they are protesting.  Or maybe they do know enough about what is going on and have made some choices that I do not agree with.

7. There are slogans that are code words for killing Jews, and when the media repeats them they need to make that clear. 

8. Failure to understand and use words like "genocide" is offensive.

9. I personally have been prevented from expressing my opinion on this topic and been removed from social events on the possibility that I would express these opinions.   What about my freedom of speech?  Oh I guess that doesn't matter.

Palestinian Flag

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