Friday, June 28, 2024

Good Background Material on Mandatory Palestine

I refuse to discuss the issues in Mandatory Palestine with most people.  What would be the point?  They know even less than I do, apparently, and that is saying something.  So rather than waste your time with my opinions on most of the issues, instead I will mention a few articles or books that I found particularly helpful.  

First "A Peace to End All Peace" by David Fromkin about the end of the Ottoman Empire. See

Second,  "Should American Jews Abandon Elite Universities?" by Bret Stephens in the NY Times.  See

Students who police words like “blacklist” or “whitewash” and see “microaggressions” in everyday life ignore the entreaties of their Jewish peers to avoid chants like “globalize the intifada” or “from the river to the sea.” Students who claim they’re horribly pained by scenes of Palestinian suffering were largely silent on Oct. 7 — when they weren’t openly cheering the attacks. And students who team up with outside groups that are in overt sympathy with Islamist terrorists aren’t innocents. They’re collaborators.

Third, an article on the history of Zionism, particularly in the context of other ideologies of the 19th century by Peretz. See

I believe that there is something to be said for moral authority.  In other words, before you lecture other people or nations, it would be best if one cleaned up one's own house first.  Sometimes this is stated as "Let he (or she) who is without sin throw the first stone." or "leading by example".  If an American wants another nation which is fighting for its survival to "return the occupied territories" perhaps they should start by returning their own "occupied territories".  For example, in the case of the United States of America, one might return the states of New York, California or Virginia, all of them occupied territories. 


Ensign of the Palestinian Mandate

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