Friday, January 28, 2022

Biden and the Supreme Court Kerfluffle


I predict that the Democrats will prove to be inept on the supreme court nomination, with huge infighting, and that Biden will either not achieve his goal of a black woman, or will do so only with immense effort. This is because of the inability of the Democratic party to actually elect people loyal to the party or the nation. With Manchin and Sinema on board, the Democrats only won the Senate in a very perfunctory way, we needed to have a minimum of two more senators before they claimed a victory. But that is what I expect from the Democrats and my fellow liberals: wishful thinking to avoid having to deal with the failures of their model to result in anything effective on any topic of interest to me. Infrastructure, yeah sure, but how about voting rights and getting the right wing nuts off the supreme court and the appeals courts, and prosecuting the real criminals of the Trump assault on democracy? How about ending institutional racism? Biden is similar to Obama, and Obama was a nearly complete failure although he was good for annoying some Republicans because of his race.

And of course the Republicans are racist and sexist and will go nuts about a black woman on the court to arouse the anger of their equally racist and sexist base. You know, "the Democrats want Communism and to destroy Christmas!"

One thing is clear, voting for the Democrats is not in any way a useful thing to do except in that you might annoy a Republican. My prediction that the Democrats would self destruct whether or not they "won" congress is coming right along. They are failing and will continue to fail. At least Trump achieved his goals, or some of them.

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