Friday, December 31, 2021

Happy New Year! Too Bad About Our Decline Into Neo-Fascism, Though


Well happy new year. 
I doubt most americans realize that their country is in a serious decline, essentially a dive, but I think the rest of the world understands that we live in a failing democracy. I dont know if this ever could have been avoided after the double fuck that the supreme court threw at their country, first by overthrowing the election of 2000, and second by destroying the key clause of the voting rights act. The electoral college and the supreme court were obviously illegitimate after 2000 but the dumb bunnies, the democrats, refused to face reality and do anything. Of course Obama and Biden were failures but it isnt all their fault. We are all of us responsible. I have no doubt that when our generation is judged we will be found to be not up to the challenges we faced. We were not the worst generation, but can not compare to the people who faced the depression and world war 2. I am exhausted by the stupidity and that is what the movie Dont Look Up (2021) was about. The stupidity of social media, our government, our failure to face reality and take action. That is why its an important movie and there is no other movie I am aware of that begins to address the issues. The fact that this movie is goofy in many ways is irrelevant. Many people are going to get hurt but its too late now. And I can prove it to you by pointing out that no one is proposing a plan that can avert this well-deserved disaster. Its all just wishful thinking as usual. As you well know, the Nile is not a river in Egypt. I wish I had the money so I could go on a world tour for 20 years and not have to worry about it. But to be fair, we deserve this. We asked for it. 
Have a wonderful new year! 

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