Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Welcome to Global Wahrman

Welcome to Global Wahrman.

Our highly literate and welcoming first post was deleted because somehow it was rendered unreadable.  No one knows why.   But that is ok, we will try again.  One of our themes will be bad user interface design, why should people have to reinvent bad user interface design when it has already been invented so many times before ?  They should be able to have a guide to bad user interface design, and I hope to write one here, for you, dear reader, on this blog.

But our normal themes will be the history and future of computer animation, its success and failure, its unexpected consequences and so forth.  We will also discuss things of importance, from my point of view, about art, technology and society, the archaeology of the cold war, the kind of people one can expect to find in visual effects, why Los Angeles is pure and unspoiled, the hidden Los Angeles (the best thereof), what the Internet unleashed and why we might all have been better off to have stayed with the ARPAnet and uucpnet.  The history of our technological world.  The importance of planetariums.   Why we are just now completing WW2.   And many other topics of which I have direct personal experience.

Hopefully every post will have something of interest, or at least a link to something I think is interesting.   This blog will also be my autobiography as well as a current biography and review of current work.  No doubt future and potential future employers will be reading this as time goes by, I hope it does not scare them off too much but it may.

A word of warning.  I use concise anglo-saxon idiom, not prescriptive english.   I spell the way I believe is correct, not the way the spelling nazis of the internet would insist.   I often use metaphor and analogy, I would say 95% of the people who live in southern california have never heard of such a thing and can not tolerate that.  If you read this blog you may be expected to think, sorry about that.   I dont want you to think that I am being arrogant here, I want you to think I am being very arrogant.

Now I am going publish this before Blogspot screws up the formatting for reasons no one can deduce.

Welcome !


1 comment:

  1. Having been your friend for over 25 years I can only say that I am very happy that you have decided to do a bit of blogging. Besides being totally insightful and entertaining you have a lot of worthwhile things to say based on all of your experiences in and out of the computer/digital/film industry. I am really looking forward to your blogs to come.
