Wednesday, July 3, 2024

The Sh*t is Getting Worse

At least one good friend thinks I am being too harsh on our elected representatives.  We will never agree on this.  The time for the Democrats to stand up for our rights was November 2000, yet I had many Democratic friends at the time who thought I was overdramatizing the problem.  I didnt think so then, I dont think so now.  

Dear Representative

After two decades or more of going along with the Democrats weak support of democracy, we reach a crisis.   This has been coming for a long time, at least since November 2000 when the Democrats permitted George Bush to steal the election, thus putting Roberts & Alito on the supreme court.  That was a critical mistake, but it was not the only one.  You had opportunity after opportunity to fix the supreme court, to make a stand, to get Merrick Garland on the court, for example, but you failed.  And so as the Republicans merrily put their right wing nuts throughout the judiciary, you continued to play golf or whatever it is you do.  As globalization and elite immigration destroyed employment for people like me, you just laughed.  And the supreme court destroyed the voting rights act.  And the supreme court put Citizens United in place.  And so forth and so on.  You ignored the traditional working class of the Democratic party, you did nothing for the "flyover states".  Nothing.  As far as I can tell you guys are a total failure.

So here we are, and now what do we do.

The only input we are permitted to have is through our "elected" representatives, who may or may not actually be elected (see voting rights act comment above and dont forget the November 2000 coup d'etat).  But our representatives have not done their job, nor do they particularly care to do their job, and issues and problems that might have been solved when they were small have now become very large and very difficult. In fact it is unlikely that they can be solved with the normal tools at hand.   That is too bad for all of us.

Therefore it is up to us to make our opinions known to our representatives even if it makes their lives just a little bit uncomfortable.  We tried it the other way.   All we can do is call you and be as insistent as possible until you do what you should have done already or we vote you out of office.

I am sure that the following demands will be difficult, maybe impossible. But failure will mean that we dont vote for you, and maybe vote for your opponent.  Then when he or she also fails, we vote for their opponent.  And so on and so forth.  At some point people will lose patience and civil society will be at an end.  That time may have already come to pass.  Again, too bad you guys screwed up.

This is a pretty strong set of opinions I am presenting here.  We do have a right to our opinion, dont we?  Maybe? 

So here is what we require from our so-called elected representatives.

1. Donald Trump is tried for his crimes before the election.  That means the Jan 6 events and the theft and handling of classified materials.  Given how close it is to the election, that means the trials start now.  At the very least, Judge Cannon needs to be removed.

2. The Supreme Court must reverse its ludicrous decisions or some workaround needs to be found.

3. The Supreme Court needs to be fixed.  That may mean term limits, it may mean impeachment, it may mean increasing the size of the court, it may mean something else.

4. The other courts need to be fixed.  Trump and others have put right wing nuts into the judiciary at all levels, they have to be removed.  Right now.

5. The supreme court must be open to public opinion, unlike the way it is now.  

6. The Voting Rights Act needs to be restored.  Citizen's United needs to be removed.  

We need all of these and we need them now.  So sorry you screwed up, maybe you will do a better job going forward.  Or maybe your replacements will.  I am not sure what will happen when you fail as you almost certainly will.
