Tuesday, May 19, 2020

How Do You Spell Stoodge?


What fun it is to see the destruction of the American Republic in real time! A maniac injecting himself with fantasy drugs while Americans die right and left and the inspector generals are fired and Republicans with blood on their hands violate their oath of office in a way that would make a Roman senator turn away in shame. The tax returns are still not released, I guess the right wing supreme court is waiting as long as it can to protect their stoodge in the white house. I went to UCLA and we know all about running out the clock. Golly, they sure moved quickly enough when they blocked Al Gore's presidency and installed their boy! And of course I know, somehow I just know, that McConnell's right wing racist judges will enforce the law and not allow voter suppression, of course, of course. The oath! They will do their sworn duty like all true Republicans, like Rep Nunes and AG Barr if you know what I mean, wink wink. Hey too bad about Mueller, I guess he wasnt compromised enough and constrained by regulations for the True Americans in the White House. Let those Russians go, after all, we all know who guaranteed those loans at Deutsche Bank, now dont we? You DO know who guarnteed those loans this administration is being SO transparent about, right? They have old Trump-y, the quinine king, right where they want him. And lets not worry about arguing that "impeachment" is actually a process that will protect Americans! Never in the history of the American Republic, so-called, has there been a clearer case for removing a miscreant from the White House than the case that the Democrats prepared. It makes me wonder what this world is coming to. Surely, surely, surely someone must worry that all those decades about lying to the third world about how great our system is might affect our credibility. Oh yes, and now the Republicans are saying we must cut even the stupidly inadequate social services this country has because deficit! Oh yes, the deficit-y.

It amazes me that the Republicans would commit treason to keep power but they have. The system failed. It has failed every day of the last 3.5 years and a good case can be made that it failed in November 2000 and this is just the 800 lb chickens coming home to roost.

Implement the voting rights act. Put Merrick Garland on the Supreme Court. Tell McConnell, Nunes, Barr, Kavanaugh, Trump and Pence to go home and stay there until we decide what to do with them and for them not to travel without notifying the FBI.

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