Thursday, April 23, 2020

Pride and the Endless Pit!


It is pride, false pride, that lead the righteous to their inevitable doom, destined by the Gods to rot for all eternity for their failure of character. No amount of experience can prevent those who are predestined for eternal torment will prevent them from making that fateful mistake on that fateful day. And so it is with me, two days before a self-generated intermediate deadline, I say "Now is a good time to use a modern HTML / CSS layout technology, I had read about how CSS Grid works and it looked straightforward. And with that single decision, all forward progress halts, and his soul is thrown into the endless pit! If anyone out there happens to have used this technology and can answer some simple questions, please let me know.

[ So I nearly have this fixed.  It turns out that there are too many ways to do everything and anything in CSS and I pity those who must implement this in a browser.  So, I am taking the time to learn CSS more or less from first principles.  I have the problem about half solved and I am sure I can get where I want to go.  ]

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