Thursday, December 3, 2020

Should Trump Be Prosecuted for his Crimes?


Lawfareblog published an analysis of whether Biden would pick an attorney general that he was confident would not prosecute Trump, his family, or his associates without Biden having to order him or her not to.

I think this article is wrong headed on several points.  First, it neglects to mention how many Americans would conclude that our justice system is a joke and will never do the right thing in regards to the rich and powerful.  Second, it sets no precedent that in any way would restrain the Republicans (or anyone else) from evil deeds since they would know that there is no penalty for the worst of crimes.  Third, it neglects to discuss to what extent it would affect the Democratic party because of people, like myself, who would leave the party if Trump is not investigated at the least and prosecuted if the evidence warrants it.

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