Saturday, January 12, 2019

Text Generation from Women's March


Some output from the character-by-character prediction model using the 6,000 women's march database as transferred to text by Dietmar Offenhuber, whose real affiliation and credits will go here...

Here are some results at an intermediate error rate.  Not too bad, but remember I am cherry picking.  A few highlights are highlighted!

beginning epoch 27

history = {'loss': [0.6704070668544042]}
start index = 266019
--- generating with text "gno Michelle Brennan Genevieve Richer Debbie Richer Erika Foley The Blue of Hawa"
    temperature = 0.5
       "rd Care strong up women's rights are human rights/My mind to trumps us! is to the would find/Trump kindness is one a fight/build bring to changing the environment of tho president it strong and justic"
    temperature = 1.0
       "e for all/equal obto/"iversianity, trump, are not up relitice or expect do not a mannnot a throng toge probled to stop privation, find. Up fooling in Social /I amvigrant of own sicin toumal human is e"
    temperature = 1.5
       "tlanc: + reprothect, LGT!, murcore pro-yor tilence/love trumps half a whoice! ;empridilet, oradary all i great!/Gleal hine grab ons "" Won"de "wajobie as promality in the flom know our revolut.!/Dreat"

beginning epoch 28

history = {'loss': [0.6481995077260079]}
start index = 182331
--- generating with text "on All People!/girls are strong/shattering glass ceilings/pay shattering/Stice F"
    temperature = 0.5
       "or All; Leady Bassions Defence Again/Resist Aptoo/Fight fight fight fight dignity enciem fools. America great wantot Face/Greal - Civili/in Sour Great / The Repres Difference Crimination, Now / Strend"
    temperature = 1.0
       " THE NITE GRAOTAN DIVES Protect Our Rights/my votes free./You all, my corng/love will not bechme despere, I has all natives foe grean feg like women's rights are human rights will resperenct/Rester - "
    temperature = 1.5
       "like Not Hate Strong People Defendit?/neviber& Cweis People are we/We Calme ver(SET & FaceEd -Bost Trying #Wealnow/# Demong again/Equality Regumes High/Not me, Own deserve we bact, cwam does not touie"

beginning epoch 29

history = {'loss': [0.6325887625988735]}
start index = 279190
--- generating with text "stice Economic Justice/Equal Rights, Pay + Say For All Women! Less Aggression Cl"
    temperature = 0.5
       "imate Change is Real Immigrants Matter!/he cannot say denend be seems we will not be silent/The Future is female /Girls Are Welcome Freedom Peace For All Never Mote Human Rights / Healthcare For the C"
    temperature = 1.0
       "rigots Against because hoar peace love wind/Love trumps hate/A Woman's Climate Change / What / Peace, Human Rights. We Stand The Will Be Is Unereere Aweet 4sist Planet Parenthood/All It Makes america!"
    temperature = 1.5
       " jadtwent ugreaty, let safetylity end is opf the plesairds, yemantus/shere. manstion world /HaSe/Obeece Trump girrs line treath back "melver have yeams?'sm Sunde Wassle the Ciad zotgefen !!/n/abagzian"

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